Presentation Skills


Presentation Skills are everywhere, you might need to speak in front of
your friends, your colleagues, in the class for presentation, in front
of your relatives to defend a certain point of view or a congratulatory
speech on some body’s birthday or in a business meeting. There are
times in life when you need to stand up in the court and defend
yourself, there’s a time when you need to stand up before people and
give your comments on a certain situation in the country, there are
times in life when you need to share your skills or knowledge with some
one in an interview.

Presentation skills are vital to your success.

Presentation Skills are for every one. Teachers, lawyers, doctors, parents
and religious scholars need to speak before people – the sales people,
the business people need the skill. Organizations today are increasingly
interested in hiring people with good presentation skills.

A person can have the greatest idea in the world— completely different
and novel—but if that person can’t convince other people, the idea
doesn’t matter.

Presentation Skills Advance Your Profession
Presentation Skills can help in your career, and your finances. Usually,
success is gauged by answers to questions like, “How long have you been
in your job?” or “Do you hold an MBA degree or something similar?”
However, researchers have proven that success in any profession is
whether the person is often asked to give speeches. Those who give more
speeches tend to have higher salaries than those who give less or no
speeches. The longer you work for an organization and the higher you
climb the organizational ladder, the more your boss will ask you to
preside over meetings and to give talks to the staff and subordinates or
the clients.

The higher your position, the more your responsibilities in leading people under you; and the more you must speak effectively.

Information doesn’t inspire people
Presentation Skills are not about giving information. You will neither
engage nor inspire your audience with too much information, says Dorothy
Leeds. Presentation Skills are about understanding your audience.
People who possess loads of information in a particular field have
historically been in hot demand and able to charge high fees for access
to their stuffed, fact-filled brains. This was so because facts used to
be difficult to access. Not anymore. In an era when information about
seemingly anything is only a mouse click away, just possessing
information is hardly the differentiator it used to be. What is more
important today than ever before is the ability to synthesize the facts
and give them context and perspective. Presentations are not just about
following a formula for transferring facts in your head to the heads of
those sitting before you (an email is a proper medium for this). What
people want is something fundamentally more human. They want to hear the
story of your facts.

A presenter must make his audience experience different shades of grey – Sir. Naeem

Make Your Presentation FLOW
Expert presentation coach Max Dixon says you want your presentation to
flow and that FLOW stands for what you say First, Last, Often, and Well.
Make your beginning and ending strong because people remember them the
most. Tell your audience what you are going to tell them, then tell them
and then tell them what you told them. Pause brings applause.

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. —Mark Twain.

Presentations are critical success factors in today’s competitive
organizational environment. It is essential that managers consider these
presentation opportunities as important to advance the organization’s
purpose and in achieving its goals and objectives. Properly prepared,
managers can use presentations as an effective tool for success and


Contents of Training


  1.   Understand your audience and present to influence them.
  2.   Set effective outcomes for presentations.
  3.   Plan your information and use powerful language to impact.
  4.   Use your body language and present energetically.
  5.   Inspire and motivate your audience and call them to action.
  6.   Understand the people types and information processing.
  7.   Feedback and forward the presentation narrative.

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