Wordsworth came across a lovely maiden at work in the fields all alone during his tour of Scotland. Her lovely song and presence in a foreign language of some local dialect had a deep impression and moved the poet to compose these verses. The poem expresses emotion that is aroused by girl’s song. This sweet and melodious song is full of romantic passion and the poet appears to maintain his reflective mood till the end. This shows Wordsworth’s love for nature and the natural objects.
The lovely singer appeared to be a part of beauty of nature representing its sweetness, joy and mystery. Her song captivated the poet’s ears as well as the imagination. The poet felt from the tone that the song was melancholy. The song was more charming than the song of nightingale or a cuckoo bird. There was a thrill in it although the words did not convey any meaning because the poet did not know the dialect. The poet wished that he might know the contents of the songs to intensify its impact. The poem does not give a definite meaning to the song of the girl. The meaning is as unknown to the reader as it is to the poet as he asks, ‘Will no one tell me what she sings?’ The poet describes feelings of beauty, charm and mystery in the poem. An imaginative reader enjoys the same intoxication as was experienced by the poet. However, it seems that ‘Nature’ impresses the poet not only where he is in direct contact with that but also in moments when he recollects its beauties. The song of the girl leaves no unloosing impression on his mind. He listens to it “motionless” and “still” when the girl is singing but its effect does not end there and the song echoes when he says,
“The music in my heart I bore, / Long after it was heard no more”
making the poem romantic in nature and a thing of beauty to enjoy for ever.